i even got into it at an easy level cool! watching all of that. nice game! just shapes but you put something new in them! good work.
i even got into it at an easy level cool! watching all of that. nice game! just shapes but you put something new in them! good work.
was a fun game! seems pretty cool how you get to figure all this out but umm...i kinda pressed the right keys to unock the thing that relaods your weapon on an accident 0_0 lmfao i still cant baleave i got it! XD
like alot of ppl are saying the controlls are alittle....well kinda hard to go with iincluding the fact that the view is off too. but the music is awsome! brinwaves by NH22 was my favorite!
every levle was fun to play! just got one more level to beat and im on my way to the bonus level haha! you sure have an idea for fun games.
this is awsome!!
the bullet lazor stuff was awsome the movment was awsome and animation was awsome the boss was awsome the music was awsome the awsomeness was awsome!! LOL im killing it now haha! any this game was aw-cool!
just when i though that dragon lizerd thingey whatever it was was a challange i find myself fighting thi crazy shikadooboo - he jumps all over the place. and when i start slashing at it in the air it spins makeing me fall back.
wonder if its easyer on slayer.......same thing.
i loved the song you put into it!!!
yeh...quiz was hard alright lol
thanks atleast someone addressed how hard it is without whining that it doesnt have a score maker
its pretty addicting and is pretty chalenging and what was with Randalf (or whats his face) ima firin ma lazor! LOL madness zombies do alot of damage and knock you down only to bite you like 2 more times lol this is indeed a very good game!
th-the graphics! 0_0
shit it was moveing as hell! graphics where kick as and tne music put together with the sounds and the vidio made the game seen like game system vidio game (you know one of them kick ass ones) shit this is awsome!!
aaw awsome!!!
good guns
awsome extras
kick ass saveing option
this game is violent, disgusting, and insane....good work.
Long raod of alot of obstacles that get in the way of you getting to your goal...thats life for ya.
Age 31, Male
Royal guard
Drakari City
Joined on 12/1/08